13 NOV

Technological disruption: social challenges of the Artificial Intelligence revolution

  • Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub
  • 18:00h a 19:30h
  • 75

  • Pàgina web

Tipus d'activitat: Taules rodones i conferències
Àrea temàtica: Ètica en la ciència i la tecnologia
Tipus de públic: Públic general
Orientat: Individual

Més informació
Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub
Maite Sánchez i Riera

On es celebra
Reial Acadèmia de les Ciències i Arts de Barcelona
La Rambla, 115, 08001, Barcelona

Ponents - Ramón Ramon López de Mantáras, AIII-CSIC, Barcelona Luc Steels, prof em. ICREA and VUB. Royal Flemish Academy of Sciences and Arts (KVAB), Belgium Moderadora: Patricia Ventura, an expert in AI, communication, and ethics, Barcelona

The simultaneous rise of both information technology and biotechnology threatens to transform the economy, particularly the labor market, as well as social and political powers, and even the biological makeup of humans. The future development of artificial intelligence (AI) will pose challenges that are currently difficult to imagine. As with climate change, policies restricting certain technological advancements in one country, such as the United States, do not prevent another, such as China, from pursuing them; soon thereafter, the international community begins developing the same technologies to avoid being left behind in a competitive world. Additionally, the wide range of opinions on the ethical implications of technological advancements in AI and bioengineering could lead to the adoption of different guidelines by different countries. To prevent a potentially dangerous snowball effect, nations need to agree internationally on ethical guidelines for technological advancements and innovations. 



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